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- Royal School for the Deaf, Derby
The Royal School for the Deaf, Derby
Providing visual support for deaf students with Let's Sign and Write Graphics and Widgit Symbols

The Royal School for the Deaf, Derby, is a child-centred day and residential school for deaf children aged from 3 to 19, providing access to language, literacy and all curriculum areas...
The school promotes a strong sense of identity and, through its 24-hour curriculum, prepares young people for adult life.
The students at the school need to have access to both English and British Sign Language (BSL) and need consistent visual support for both to help them understand any difficult or unfamiliar words.
In order to ensure that visual support is provided for both English and BSL, the Royal School for the Deaf has made extensive use of the Let's Sign & Write Graphics together with Widgit Symbols.
Visitors to the school are now met by a colourful and lively array of wall decorations containing the graphics.
Deaf teacher of the deaf Janet Wardle-Peck has also made use of both sets of symbols by making numerous informative and stimulating teaching resources and worksheets designed to meet the needs of the whole class, as well as the individual needs of pupils.

Widgit helped design some ground rules for PSHE lessons to be displayed in the classroom.
After working with Widgit, I organised a whole school focus day for growing up/sex and relationship education using outside agencies to support the day.
The ground rules using the symbols were displayed in every classroom and everyone was clear of the expectations and it was consistent throughout.
By using both sets of symbols to support text within teaching resources and displays, the school is able to provide consistent visual support for all its students by aiding their understanding of text and helping to clarify words which might be difficult to understand.
Find out more about Deaf Books: www.deafbooks.co.uk
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