Rocks and Soils
Books and activities to support science unit

A pack of materials, including fact sheets, flashcards, classroom activities and games to support lower Key Stage 2 pupils understand rocks and soils.
Included in the pack are lesson plans and resources for practical investigations


Rock Story - Symbols
Story about rocks - symbol version.
Rock Story - Text
Story about rocks - text version.
Soil Book - Symbols
Information book about soils - symbol version.
Soil Book - Text
Information book about soils - text version.
Display Flashcards A4
Large flashcards to display in the classroom.
Display Flashcards A5
Small flashcards to display in the classroom.
Symbol Word Cards
Visual supports to print and use for vocabulary games.
Vocabulary List
Vocabulary linked to the rocks section of the science programme of study.
Key vocabulary including word definitions.
Small symbol sheet to show vocabulary overview for rocks subject area.
Rocks and soils wordsearch and answer sheet.
Rocks and soils crossword and answer sheet.
Looking at rocks - Branching database
Branching database to support rock classification.
Looking at rocks - Recording Sheet
Activity to identify mystery rocks from given questions.
Characteristics of Rocks
Vocabulary sheet to support describing and identifying different rocks.
Comparing Soils
Information sheet to show how to compare different soils.
Investigation to explore hardness of rocks
Lesson plan and 4 differentiated investigation plan recording sheets.
Investigation to absorbent rocks
Lesson plan and 4 differentiated investigation plan recording sheets.